What is this study about? Online survey for people with young onset dementia
Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Project aim: INSPIRED-II is a two-phase project. Phase 1 is to understand young people with dementia’s experiences of service provision though the NDIS and aged care via an online questionnaire. The information obtained from this questionnaire will then inform phase two, a translational research project, to improve collaboration between the disability and aged care sectors.
Participants: People with young onset dementia (ie symptoms before the age of 65) and their supporters are invited to participate in the online survey www.tinyurl.com/inspired-survey (estimated time to complete 20-30mins). The person living with dementia may now be older than 65, as long as the onset of their symptoms was before they were 65.
Study duration: The online survey will be open until 1/7/20. The overall study will run until early 2021
Outcomes: We hope to obtain current data to describe how a broad range of young people with dementia and their supporters from across Australia experience the NDIS and aged care services. This information will be used to inform phase 2.
Study base: The study is being run from Flinders University – the survey is open to people across Australia.
Other: The study has been available online since October 2019 and we have received over 180 responses. This is a chance to have your say.