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Category: In the news

Quality of Life Measures Available for Use in Aged Care

Friday, February 17th, 2023

How do we measure an individual persons’ quality of life? Two new consumer experience and quality of life assessment tools, designed to improve standards and transparency in aged care, are to be rolled out nationally this year. A team of researchers at Flinders University have been working on the measures, since the Royal Commission into […]

Is Lecanemab the Drug that can Finally Make the Difference for Dementia?

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

The dementia world has been stirred by a recent paper reporting the drug Lecanemab’s effect on slowing cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer’s Disease[1]. In Alzheimer’s disease, two key proteins – tau and amyloid beta – build up into tangles and plaques, and cause brain cells to die. The human body naturally produces antibodies […]

Genetic Link between Gut Health and Alzheimer’s Disease confirmed

Friday, October 14th, 2022

The same genes that send people to the bathroom with gut issues, may be involved in brain health. Previous observational studies have suggested a relationship between Alzheimer’s Disease and gastrointestinal tract disorders. However, it has been unclear what underpins these relationships. According to new data from Australia’s Edith Cowan University, it could be genetic[1]. Researchers […]

Motivations Behind Volunteering for Online Research Platforms, like StepUp for Dementia Research?

Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Just under a third of Australians volunteer[1]. Volunteering benefits both the individual as well as the community.  However, people become involved in volunteering for different reasons. A recent Australian study looked at the motivations and meaning behind volunteering online for science-based research[2]. Specifically, the study looked at the experiences of people who had signed up […]

Pneumonia after Covid-19 Ups the Risk of Dementia

Monday, June 6th, 2022

There have been multiple reports of patients experiencing difficulties with their cognition after recovering from COVID-19[1]. Pneumonia has also previously been associated with the risk of a new diagnosis of dementia. However, a recent study has shown that adults who develop pneumonia after COVID-19 have a higher risk of a new diagnosis of dementia than […]

Longer Daytime Naps may be an Early Sign of Dementia

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Many of us have that older uncle who falls asleep on the couch after lunch. It is largely innocuous, sometimes amusing, and most certainly common in older age.  However, new research suggests that extensive daytime napping could mean something more[1]. Some of us may swear by “power naps”, and for younger adults, research indeed suggests […]

Dementia Treatment Can Be Improved by Seeing the Same GP

Monday, April 11th, 2022

People with dementia who see the same GP each time, have less health complications and fewer prescribed medications, according to a new study. People with dementia often have comorbid or additional health problems. Consulting different doctors for individual health issues, rather than seeing the same GP continuously, can be associated with inappropriate prescribing. While continuity […]

Covid-19 lockdowns contributing to faster deterioration in dementia patients

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022

The sudden absence of human contact and mental stimulation during COVID-19 believed to have contributed to the deterioration of health conditions in people living with dementia. An article published in ABC NEWS highlighted the findings on the mental health impacts of Covid-19 on people living with dementia, their families and carers. A carer for a […]

Learning you Have Dementia – How Can it be Done Better?

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

You may have a sense of something not being quite right. Your family and friends may suspect something too. Is it simply old age and a bit of forgetfulness – or is it something more? The decision to get checked out is a big one. A research team from the UK, recently published a review […]

Common blood pressure drug does not slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease

Monday, December 20th, 2021

New research has dashed hopes that the drug Losartan, used to treat hypertension or high blood pressure, might be effective in reducing the rate of brain atrophy in people living with Alzheimer’s Disease[1]. The British multi-centre clinical trial was awarded two million pounds as part of the Prime Minister’s “Challenge on Dementia”. From 2014 to […]

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